
Winning Edits

April 2019

Tech: Frontend, Sass, Gulp.js, Javascript, Netlify

This is the first client project I built without using a framework or content managements system, so I wanted to make a site easy that was easy to maintain while also maximizing speed. For development I used gulp for basic templating with the file-include module, file minification, and hot reloads on the dev server using gulp's watch feature.

The two most complicated portions of this site were the hoverable and responsive hexagon section which required me to build out some sass functions to allow the hexagons to grow and shrink with the screen size. The other challenge was the filterable podcast episode section. I built out that section using vanilla JS to handle filtering. I set up the client on Netlify for quick and free hosting as well as easy upkeep with their own Github repo.

Winning Edits

Aunt Flow Map App

July 2019 - Present

Tech: Flask, APIs, Python, Javascript, Shopify, Heroku

For this project I was contracted to build out an application that automatically added in generalized customer locations to a Shopify front end. To solve this I developed a flask application that pulled in customer zipcode date via the Shopify API and then exposed the generalized location data as an API.

Then using the LeafletJS library I made API calls from Shopify's front end to my Flask API in order to update the cordinates. This app is hosted on Heroku and will have a worker running that updates the API data daily.

Aunt Flow Map App

RFM Segmentation

May 2019

Tech: Python, Pandas, APIs, Data Science

For this project I wrote a python script that exported order and customer information from Shopify into CSVs. Then I utilized the pandas library for python to clean and manipulate the data to be able to segment customer into quadrants along three fields of their order history: recency of purchase, frequency of purchase, and total monetary value of purchases.

After splitting customers into quadrants they were given scores which further filter them into groups such as best customer, big spender, almost lost, ect. This CSV was then handed off to the marketing department for targetted marketing campaigns.

RFM Segmentation

Github Battle - React App

June 2019

Tech: React, React Router, Webpack, Netlify

This small app helped me establish a strong foundation in React. It utilizes the Github API to pull in repo data as well as user data for the Battle page.

Some core concepts covered in this are testing with the React PropTypes module, routing using the React Router module, dynamic imports and lazy loading, and creating reusable components.

Github Battle - React App

Otto Skin Goods

February 2019

Tech: Frontend, Javascript, APIs, Shopify

I've been the sole developer managing and customizing the frontend of Otto Skin Goods' Shopify site. This included building out custom pages as well as developing a quiz on the homepage that recommended products based on how the user answered.

By utilizing Mailchimp's API and ajax calls the quiz also allowed the user to sign up for Otto's newsletter.

Otto Skin Goods